Hello Everyone
Today, I have nothing to share. Absolutely nothing. Zilch. Nada. Zero.
With nothing to share whatsoever, and no idea what to write, I have decided I will write my blog nonetheless. This blog is therefore full of no useful information. It definitely is full... of words, sentences, and even its very own paragraph - but it doesn't have any information in it.
Having said that, I would like you to keep reading, and keep commenting on this blog of no importance. All the time you have spent reading this post has been spent without gaining any information. I won't say it's time wasted, cos some wise-ass will inform me that maybe they were here to waste time in the first place -> so it still would fulfill the purpose -> and so it won't be time wasted.
Now that I am getting on to the second paragraph, I feel that it really is time I stop writing. I mean... I have nothing to say... yet I am going on, and you are continuing to read. This has to stop at some point. It is criminal to go on, and a criminal I am not.
And lets be honest, I did warn you right in the beginning that you aren't going to get anything out of this post. No pearls of wisdom, no what-have-you's. So I'm not a bad guy after all... the only one who fell for a trap that never was... the only sucker who suckered himself into reading this... is YOU.